Friday, March 30, 2007

Well Michael has been doing his blog about eating and its making me jealous.... so i started my own.

So I started this vegetarian thing about a month ago. I am Ovo Vegetarian, to be exact, which means no dairy, except eggs. Its hard to explain my exact reasoning behind beginning this journey, but here is a general idea.

I was unhappy with my former diet, I was eating things that were made with ingredients i had never heard of out of factories with processes i couldnt even fathom, things i could never dream of creating myself, things made by a giant industry of machines and money. I was so disconnected from the things i was putting in my body. So reliant upon this giant crazy mass of jumbly food factory industry. I got money, and traded it for plastic wrapped pre made "food".

I didnt even hardly GLANCE at the produce section... i mean i liked fruits and vegetables, i just rarely ate them... because of the other flavor, fat packed availabilities that seemed like the thing to eat.

so i decided i needed to drastically change my diet, to force myself to appreciate the produce section.

So my plan was to simplify. I wanted to appreciate food that was simply... grown. from seeds. i wanted to grow food myself. i wanted to more connected to what is sustaining me.

in my dream theory of perfection i would be completely living off the land with a chicken birthing me food every morning, dependant upon nature, dependant upon the seasons and the rain and my own labor. creating an appreciation for plants based on thier identity as amazing, delicious, valuable miiiracles.

okay, but because that would be really hard and everything, i am going to be Ovo Vegetarian, for now. Baby steps! right?

my decision wasnt really based on any moral beliefs or any vision of world saving, i just wanted to make myself grow and appreciate things i should be appreciating...

and im not too strict, not crazy strict about this way of eating, but i'm trying to learn and grow, and thats what i am doing.

Well I have been pleasantly suprised,
not only have i started enjoying the produce section ( i almost WORSHIP good fruit now)
but I have learned quite a few other lessons as well....

Here are some unexpected things of greatness that have come from this life change:

Okay, as many of us do, i have this tendency to do things that are bad for me when i am not feeling that great. Like, drink a soda, or cook a fantastic meal, or drink a milkshake, or spend 100 bucks on stuff i dont need. So i had put myself on a pretty strict budget that has been working well for me lately because i kept overspending, and my main outlet of emotion had become eating delicious unhealthy food. Cooking is terrifically therapeutic for me, so when i felt down, I was often cooking delicious but terribly unhealthy meals. So now, I am only eating healthy food, my cooking is great for me. Now when I need an outlet for some crazy emotions i finally finally finally have something thats GOOD for me to do.... thats something ive been needing for a really long time. i cant tell you how great of an unexpected personal triumph that has been.

Although I didnt really start this diet as a political statement, or a moral decision, i have to admit.... it feels really good NOT to be a part of so many of our world's problems.... I just read this interesting article:
U.S. could feed 800 million people with grain that livestock eat. Not only am I not contributing to the terrible lives that so many animals have to live to support this country's addiction to tons of meat, but I am also helping the environment ( Click that!). It feels kinda good to not be the problem, you know? I actually have this I-can't-make-a-difference complex which keeps me from doing things like this, but now that i've unintentionally put myself in this situation, i like it. Thats good for me. I think i might stick to vegetarianism for this nice feeling...

plus im way healthier

plus im getting a little skinnier

plus i get to try new restaurants...

more and more great things... ill add more later... as i go, i want to add recipes i like... plus i think ill talk about the rest of my changing life into this blog as well....

in other news: taste some fruit, its amazing... better than candy... and im not just saying that, its really much better than candy. mmmm.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Isn't fruit the sweeet nectar of life?